today went with david and a group of 40 riders to 5 Peaks Mountain and BBQ organized by the Suzhou Merida. the overall ride is shorter than last week ride but we still clock 84km in total. we left early in the morning at 7:15am and meet up with other riders at the mudu merida shop. as usual, the morning ride is cold at about 5 degree celsius to begin with although the temperature pick up later in the day but probably still at about low 10 instead of 17-18 as forecast.
a picture before moving out from the shop. everyone was excited about the ride plus the bbq.
top left. Start of the dirt track. Not that easy as the road center is at least 20cm higher than the wheel track. Need lot of focus while riding. top right, the first slope with a gradient of 60degrees. Pushed up. bottom left, 2nd slope, less steep and shorter, still push up. bottom right, rode down. pretty challenging. after this downhill, there is a 20cm wide 2m long bridge, so some skill is required.
We reached a quarry after couple of uphill and downhill, this is the place that we will bbq our food.
setting up the fire took us awhile as many do not have experience with it and no one brought any fire starter. haha... anyway, we managed to start the fire for the bbq and we had a good bbq lunch. i took 10 half chicken wings, 5 sticks of the meat skewers and 2 cups of soda. although i do not think it worth the 30rmb that we paid for but it is the fun with the local guys. this is really something local local.
david and myself left the bbq at 1pm and we reached home at 3:30pm with a 40km distance on the return trip.
wanted to join some SZR (Suzhou Rider) yesterday to tian pin shan for a ride but there are some family matters need to take care of so did not join them. so, today meet up with another group of SZR at Giant and rode to Yu Yang Shan. the ride was tough due to weather as well as lack of long distance riding. 2 weeks back I rode to the same place with the same group. my fitness did not really improve. today, got a few cramps on both leg while going up the mountain on the metal road. butt still pain after the long ride, could be due to the saddle that i changed it sometime back.
a group photo from the SZR website. i am third from the right.