Saturday, August 30, 2008


Woke up early today, in the morning at 5:15am and went for riding round Yang Cheng Hu again. Left 5:45am and back by 8am with an average speed of 22.2km/h for the 50km ride. By the way, my mountain bike hit 1000km total distance travel in 3months during today ride. I wished I could acchived more than the average of 333km per month.
Alright, next week, I will be going Nanjing for a Specialized & Shimano Mountain Bike Race. Let hope that I can complete the whole course, 3 laps in total.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Leisure Riding around Yang Cheng Hu (阳澄湖)

I have not been riding much recently. Decided to wake up early and go for a leisure ride around the Yang Cheng Hu. I woke up at 7am, washed up and had breakfast of 2 slices bread with Ba Kua (Bee Cheng Hiong that I bought yesterday) and a cup of Milo. By 7:45am, I left my place and headed north traveling at 22 to 28km/h with stops to take pictures and enjoying the sceneries.

On the stretch that is heading south (west side of the lake), it is a straight flat road and manage to ride at 26 to 30km/h most of the time.

Overall, ride for a total of 50km and by 10:30am, I was back home. Very good ride.

Overall Route Map indicating the start, finish, temple, road sign 1 and road sign 2.

Temple. It is still under construction within the 4 walls but base on what I saw, it is big, about the size of 4 soccer fields.

Road Sign 1 indicating that I need to make left to YangChengHu Town By the time, I had completed only 35% of the journey.

Road Sign 2, head straight toward Suzhou Town. Left about 15km to go. Hurray!!!