我们过星湖街的大桥,骑在封亭大道,往东唯亭镇.天色非常好蓝天没云.骑着骑着,谈起金融危机,公司会不会关闭之类的事.时间很快过,骑到了沪宁高速桥下,看到312国道,不想走,以为往东可能有小路或土路可骑.骑了3公里,沿着铁路旁,最后看到了小河5米宽,怎么过啊.要怎么办呢?问了在工地的员工,只有往回走312... 呵呵... 没法了...
过了铁路桥下,上了312,再骑了4-5公里吧,看到了往巴城镇的告示.我们就决定不然环阳澄湖吧... 改了方向,往北骑.
骑到了阳澄东湖的蟹城,渔家灯火拍了些照.再往北骑.骑过了高档别墅小区,价格比苏州还好... 5500元/m2.
午饭时间到了,我们要找个饭店吃午饭... 骑呀骑... 怎么没有饭店开呀.我们要饿扁了.到了黄泥村,有家饭店停放了5辆车,这家有营业吧.问了老板,老板说没菜了...郁闷...老板说往东3公里到了巴城镇会有饭店的.我其实没力了.,看到了便利店,买了面包,就这样解决了午饭...呵呵
最后问了路人往苏州怎么走,哪知道要过高速的...nnd, 今天好像不是我的日子... 哈哈.
Make a riding appointment with David yesterday but I do not know where to ride to. Initially thought of going to east mountain with XF but i know that i am not in good condition to complete the ride and also do not want to burden other, therefore decided not to go east mountain.
we set off in the morning 9am and we first head to the Mcdonald for a breakfast. while having our breakfast, i suggested to david why not we head to kunshan, it's only 40km away from where we are. we decided.
we pass the bridge across the shanghai/nanjing expressway and make a left into fengting avenue. we headed east toward weiting town centre. the sky was clear blue without any cloud. while riding we talk about how the financial crisis would affect our company and would the company be able to survive through the crisis. time flies and we reach the shanghai/nanjing expressway again. we saw the G312 but we though we could head straight and maybe take a shortcut through some dirt track to reach our destination. after another 3km ride, beside the railway, we found ourselves an obstacle. it is a waterway of about 5m wide and how could we cross this? what shoud we do? we asked a worker at the construction site and we were told that the only way to get the kunshan from where we are is to use G312. so... we make an u-turn and head back to G312.
passing through the railway bridge, riding on another 4 to 5km, we reached an junction with a sign stating Ba Cheng, i discussed with david, maybe we could go round the Yan Cheng East Lake instead of going to kunshan. thus, we changed our plan, headed north.
we rode and reached the hairy crab market cum restaurants, took a few pictures and rode north again. passby some very high end villas but selling at much better price comparing to suzhou... 5500/m2... we oso saw a group of well dress ladies and gentlemen including some foreigns. believe they are here for investment.
by now, it was time for lunch, so while riding north, we were looking for restaurant to serve our lunch... we pass by many restaurants but many were closed due to the chinese new year holiday. finally, we saw many cars parked outside a restaurant and we headed to there. who knows the boss told us that sold out, nothing left... and recommended us to head east for another 3km to the Ba Cheng town where there will be restaurants opened. i was telling myself, i am pretty tired now and i need food. we found a nearby convinient store and bought some muffin and soda, this was our lunch. the lady boss was pretty helpful. we were sitting outside the shop and she invited us to sit in the shop whereby there are chair for us. without hesitation, we went in. she wanted to treat us some cake but we politely refused. such a nice lady.
after lunch, we headed north for about 5km and saw a road sign "Round Lake Road" and rode for some unnecessary road. to cut it short, at this tired state we wasted probably 5km. this is really killing me. finally, we asked someone and was told to head north and cross the expressway.
with that, we rode for another 30km with the speed of 15km or less and finally by about 4pm, we reached home. at the junction nearby our place, david asked if i want to go to mcdonald, i told him not since i am very very tire.
To summarize, i am in a very very bad state. only 75km and i was in bad condition, need to train more. remember that last year august time frame, i could finish 50km round yang cheng west lake in 2 hrs and this time i took 6 hrs to complete this 75km...
绿和红是冤枉路 - road map
沿着铁路旁的土路 - rode beside the rail road
卖蟹的酒店 - hairy crab market/restaurant
渔家灯火附近的养蟹场 - hairy crab
误导我的环湖路 - misleading road sign